Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dear Crabby

Dear Crabby, Why is the world round?
Signed, Rupert Who-Had- Nothing-Better-To-Ask

Dear Rupert Who-Had-Nothing-Better-To-Ask,
Get a life.
Signed, More-Crabby-Than- Usual

Dear More-crabby-Than-Usual,
Will you Be my pen pal?
Signed, Rupert Who-Has-A-Life

Dear Rupert Who-Thinks-He-Has-A-Life,
If you are asking a fictional newsletter problem-solver to be your pen pal, then you obviously do NOT have anything remotely resembling life.
Signed, Crabby Un-pen Pal

Dear pen pal,
Do you have a doggy? Do you have a kitty? Do have a brother or sister? Have you ever seen a dinosaur? I like dinos. My favorite food is peanut butter samwiches. I don’t have a puppy. I really want one. For my birthday I want a puppy.
Signed, Rupert Who-Has-A Pen-Pal

Dear Rupert Who-Has-Issues,
Have you seen a counselor?
Signed, Anonymous


anti xti said...

Hey Crab...
I think you may have a blood sugar issue that needs to be attended to. Let me rephrase...I think you have a blood sugar issue of which needs attending. Or better yet, That with which you have blood sugar lowness...eat food and thus be cheerier to other human beans who are simply trying to reach out because they are lonely, perhaps have no family, no pets, need love and acceptance and cannot afford therapy.


Anonymous said...


Why do you comment on your own blogs?

Don't you have a life?