Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The World at a Glance

PR– Kosovo
With the tremendous amount of information that has been available on the recent Kosovo Revolution, very little attention has been given to the fact that Kosovo is one of the largest growers of the soap shrub sudicus scrubiens, and therefore produces over 90% of the world’s soap and detergent. If the uprising in Kosovo persists, it could lead to thousands of workers “being excused” from their jobs and, ultimately, a worldwide soap shortage. This, in turn, could lead to epidemics and pandemics across the globe, due to inadequate hygiene and sanitation. Be afraid. Be very afraid. What can you as an individual do? In view of the crisis at hand and the extreme, I repeat, extreme, hazard this could pose to you and your family, Poor Ricky’s is , for a limited time only, selling soap bush starts. Please send 100$ cash to the address on back. In return, we will laugh out loud and pocket the cash. Or you could give me the money in person, so that I can laugh at your face.

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