Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ahhhh. About that Dependent Clause. I'm Glad you Asked.

Well, I am done with my eighteen-plus pages of senior project papers that I had been worried about. I still have to check them for grammatical errors and do some final touch ups. they technically should have been in today, but really, technically, I should have till the 22nd of june, except that the teacher in charge of senior project is leaving for vacation or whatever on the twelfth. Ah well, ours is not to question why. Unless we want something to get done properly. I just hope that she doesn't catch any dangling modifiers, or anything that I have left in by accident. Well, I guess my mom is going to help me with the grammatical editing, and she is the Seargant-Major English-Major. So I think I'll be safe. What would I do without Mom?
On another note entirely, my grandparents are visiting. It is always very...umm thrilling, when my grandparent on my mom's side come to visit. Although my Dad's family may be rather eccentric (I have an Aunt who is a psychic medium, and also I have a "Ya-Ya Siterhood" aunt, both on my dad's side), at least when they come, we don't need to hear about their gas and bloating. But Mom's family is different. My Mom's Dad was a biologist, so he thinks that it is okay dinner conversation to ask people if they have had a bowel movement yet, and my grandma ..well, we get very familiar with the workings of her digestiive tract. over the course of each visit. Good old Gramma and Grampa. We love 'em though.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Arrgh, the life of a graduating homeschooler is frustrating.

I've never been a graduating homeschooler before. It is a new and extremely frustrating experience. I have been working with an Education Specialist (NOT to be confused with a Special Education Specialist) who has been helping me put together a whatdoyoucallit. You know, the list-thing that tells what you've done during your high-school education. Whatever its called. Anyhow, apparently I need to do a Senior Project. Early in the year, someone gave me about two and a half reams of paper, mostly full of acronyms and what to do with them, all apparently relating to Senior Project (CRLE, CRLS, etc.) It wasn't until about a week ago that they actually told me what all those acronyms meant, and what I was supposed to do with them. The long and the short of it was that I had approxamitely one and a half weeks to write eighteen pages about Career-Related Learning Experiences. Honestly, who knew that that is what CRLE stood for? Come on! The next problem I ran into was that the "Charter School" that my mother had signed me up for so that I could get govt. school money and talk to the Educational Specialist, wanted to know if I wanted to be part of their "graduation ceremony." Apparently I was one of a whopping seven seniors graduating from that hateful "charter school." I only took one class at it, and I dropped out of that class halfway through! Of course I don't want to wear a dress, or whatever it is that graduates wear, march up on stage and sing a song, or whatever it is that they do at graduations. So I told them that my Grandparents were coming into town that day, which was true. I am hoping they can just give me the diploma in an envelope in the mail. It would be so much easier.
I think the one upside to graduating will be that, since I am no longer an official homeschooler, I can poke fun at homeschooling all I want and it won't backfire. I mean if you think about it, homeschoolers really are strange little people, that do the oddest things. And in my opinion, all homeschool groups are run by comlete nazis. Just my opinion, though. I've only been homeschooled for twelve years, though, so I wouldn't really know.
And thus life rolls on for Colin Anti-Social McHomeschool Couch.