Sunday, September 9, 2007

Return of the Somewhat Unenlightend Editor

Well, it has been many moons since my last post, and some considerable time since the last issue of PR came out. With any luck, I'll have a new issue out by Sept. the 17th. Or the week after that. Or sometime in the next month. Changing the subject quite abruptly, I just returned from a vacation at the San Juan Islands in Washington. It was really nice. I'm back now though, to continue spreading literary confusion and havoc throughout my little sphere of influnence, and to resume the great work of publishing falsehoods that ought not to be published. And to once again inform the populace of current international crises which may or may not be happening even as we speak. sometimes I yearn for respite from this tedious task. But duty calls and I must answer. Still, life goes on.


Cameron Nielsen said...

Hmm. The San Juan Islands are pretty, aren't they. I've only been there once, but hey were nice.
Well, now you're back, let's resume our e-correspondence, why don't we? Yes.
By the by, it's 'populace' not populous.' :)

Cameron Nielsen said...

Dang, there's no way to fix typos after they've been posted. *fumes*

Anonymous said...

I'm still somewhat befuddled as to what a "blog spot" is. Could you define it for me please?

Anonymous said...

And why do you want me to visit it?To receive annoying miniscule comments like this? Does it help your ego poor Ricky? huh? I ASKED you a question? Is this different that instant messaging? I'm confused or maybe you just don't want to answer me because I DON'T KNOW who I AM!!!